We’re getting some very fascinating results lately assessing some of the world’s top athletes with a new assessment instrument – the Emotional Intelligence Sports Inventory. The tool measures the key performance competencies that separate average and elite athletic performers. This is exciting because it is the first time that Emotional Intelligence and performance have been linked to sport. What’s also exciting is that athletes are measured vs. other athletes. Assessment tools typically used in the market are primarily general personality instruments shifted over to the sport space. Self-Awareness, Self-Reliance and Self-Confidence are the backbone of the tool making room for the athlete to enable other powerful competencies that impact their performance.


The key competencies after much research in this area are: Self-Awareness, Self-Reliance, Self-Confidence, Self-Control, Achievement Drive, Competitiveness, Resilience, Focus, Flexibility and Optimism. The ESi assessment tool gives a great measurement in each of these competencies and coaching solutions to improve them. The package also includes an Action Plan for coach and athlete to work on a plan moving forward.


Over the next number of months, I’ll update you on our findings. We recently had several PGA Tour winners take the assessment and NCAA and Olympic athletes are experiencing the tool.


Have a look at http://www.newedgeperformance.org. The tool will help athletes get to the next level.


Much more to come on this.

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